Natural Remedies To Get Pregnant

How To Conceive With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - The Tactics For Having A Baby With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome



Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer also known as GIFT is an assisted reproductive technology to help those struggling with infertility ( chances of getting pregnant with pcos ). IVF procedures make fertilization occur in a laboratory whereas a gamete intrafallopian transfer happens in your fallopian tubes. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome prevents the sperm and egg from traveling through a fallopian tube where fertilization takes place. Superovulation is the first phase and the stimulation of multiple egg production is prompted with hormone injections. The eggs will be collected by inserting a hollow through your abdomen and into the ovaries. Once the eggs have been removed they will be paired with your partner’s sperm inside a catheter. After the eggs and sperm are together they are called gametes and these are placed into the fallopian tubes during a surgical procedure. Your reproductive system should take control from this point and continue along with a normal pregnancy. About thirty-five percent of women who have this procedure done conceive successfully. Because the GIFT technique uses many eggs there is a threat that you will have multiple births.

Even with PCOS you can track your ovulation and increase your chances of conceiving

If you measure your cycles with basal body temperature and cervical mucus you can predict if and when you ovulate ( chances of getting pregnant with pcos ). With some PCOS disorders there is no ovulation but there are regular menstrual cycles. You will be able to tell if you are not actually ovulating if you have a few months of irregular cycle lengths paired with irregular basal body temperature and cervical mucus readings. Knowing this can help you because you will know what steps you can take to improve your fertility. Your basal body temperature will stay low before you actually ovulate and when you start it will rise. Expect an increase of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 degrees when you are ovulating. Make a record of your temperature daily because it important to determine your own pattern and identify its change. If you are taking birth control pills do not measure your basal body temperature as it will mess up the results. Cervical mucus consistency will change before ovulation and will help you know when your chances of becoming pregnant are most likely. Before ovulation the mucus in your cervical canal clear and slightly stretchy and signifies that you are more likely to conceive.

Progesterone is created by the ovaries at the time of ovulation. It is hard to tell if you are creating progesterone because women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can menstruate but not ovulate.  Unnecessary fibers are cleaned away with progesterone but if you do not ovulate this lining stays stored in your body.  The multiple cysts on the ovaries caused by a lack of ovulation in PCOS are the result of this too little progesterone. It is necessary to have normal levels of progesterone in order to have a womb that is ready for conception. You can regulate your entire menstrual cycle and stop the overproduction of estrogen by supporting your natural levels of progesterone. Its usage is based on a consistent menstrual cycle but you can use it by copying the pattern of a regular cycle.  The best kind of supplemental progesterone is not synthetic but bio identical.  Using bio identical progesterone is helpful because it has the same molecular configuration as the progesterone produced by your body.  There are no side effects when you use 20mg to 40mg of bio identical progesterone every day.

 How Aromatase Inhibitors work to help you ovulate and become pregnant

Aromatase Inhibitors were originally developed for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women ( how to conceive with polycystic ovarian syndrome ).  Over the last ten years these drugs were discovered to be especially helpful for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome.  Letrozole is a common aromatase inhibitor that has been shown to induce ovulation successfully in women who were previously unable to ovulate.  Estrogen is produced by aromatase the enzyme that often causes women with polycystic ovarian syndrome too produce too much estrogen.  By using an aromatase inhibitor such a letrozole you will inhibit the enzyme and also inhibit estrogen production. Studies have shown that women who have been resistant to other fertility drugs have a positive response to letrozole. Letrozole has demonstrated that it works to make a more dense uterine lining and typically has a smaller amount of miscarriages than clomiphene citrate. You will only need to take an aromatase inhibitor for about 5 days and the dose can vary according to what works best for you.  Letrozole is not linked to birth defects when taken before conception and is a treatment that the body can metabolize very quickly.  Breast tenderness and hot flashes are a couple of side effects that might occur during treatment.


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